40 days

A walk with my camera

Yesterday marked the 40th day since the typhoon.  People have already accepted the fact that there are things they have no control of, that they need to let go and move on.  It’s a very difficult time, but life goes on.


This reminded me of the boy on a pedicab with the name „Lester“ painted on it.  This photo was taken at roughly the same place, but it seemed like a lifetime ago.


The good thing that came out of this is that people got to spend more time with their neighbors, and everybody is helping each other.


Fixing the floorboards, the walls and the roof.  Lives need to be fixed too.


A superstar.  This one will surely shine bright when it’s done.  There’s hope amid the ruins.


Remembering Valentino.


A lighted candle for the dearly departed.


Let us spend a minute of silence and pray for those who have…

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